123 W Olive St. | Palmyra, MO | (573) 769-2955 | Tax Season Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30a-6:00p and Saturday 9a-12p
What documents you will need may depend on what type of taxes your are filing.
Here are some basics to bring:
E-filing, or electronically filing, your taxes is the quickest way to get your info to the IRS.
Direct depost tends to be the quickest way to receive your refund as well.
The short answer is no. If you did not exceed a certain income than you are not required to file a federal tax return. If you earn less than $12,400 (which is the 2020 standard deduction for a single taxpayer) you may not need to file taxes.
It is always a good idea to check with a tax professional to make sure about your specific tax situations.
Call us and we can help you file an admendment to your current return.
April 15, 2021: 1st-quarter 2021 estimated tax payment due
June 15, 2021: 2nd-quarter 2021 estimated tax payment due
Sept 15, 2021: 3rd-quarter 2021 estimated tax payment due
Jan 15, 2022: 4th-quarter 2021 estimated tax payment due
Best bet is to get in and file early, that way you can make a plan and set up installments to break down the larger amount due into smaller more affordable chunks. That way by April 15th you can have your taxes paid on full, in time.
A dependent is a person you are responsible for supporting. Typically under the age of 19 or under 24 if they are attending school full-time.
No. Child support is not viewed as earned income.
Neither are alimony, welfare benefits, social secuity, railroad retirement benefits, workers' comp, veteran's benefits and more. Contact your tax rep for further details.
Your child must be younger than 19 years old or be a student up to the age of 24 years old as of the end of the calendar year.
If your child is medically claimed to be permanently disabled, there is no age limit.
Tax Credit: These are dollar for dollar reductions. If you get a $500 tax credit and your tax due is $1,500, then your new tax amount due would be $1,000.
Tax Deduction: Reduces the amout of income you would be required to pay taxes on, which can reduce your tax bill. If your income is $30,000 a year and you have a $500 tax deduction, then you will be taxed on $25,5000 instead of $30,000 which can also reduce the amount of taxes due.
If we receive a rejected efile return, there is an error on the return. Typically the rejection message will include what may be missing or in error. We will help you walk through any issues and help you correct it.
There are a few ways:
Call them:
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time
Online IRS Forms:
Individual: https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-8822
Business: https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-8822-b
Tax Return: Use your new address when you file.
Call us we can help! 573-769-2955
Absolutely! In a way to help our communities combat COVID we have a safe and secure portal that you can upload your tax documents right to us without leaving your home! And we will reach out with any questions we may have while filing your docs.
In most cases a refund is issued withing 21 days for efiling returns and direct deposit. This can be tenitive and just an estimate. Numerous things can effect the lentgh in time, we currently do not know how COVID-19 situations may effect this.
Paper filing and paper check refunds can take up to 6 weeks, again this is just an estimate.
No need to stress, we can help! Call us to set up an appointment to go over what you have. In most cases we can help you turn that box of paper into a ready to file tax return!
We have a great REFFERAL program! If you refer a friend and they file their returns with us, YOU get a $20 discount on your next tax prep and THEY get a $20 discount NOW when they file!
Yes! Our team can set down with you and find out all your needs/wants as it comes to payroll and set up a plan that can help you streamline this process.
Sure can! We can meet with you and find out your weaknesses you need assistance with and set up a plan to get you on track. We can help with everything from accounting, payroll, and general bookkeeping as well!
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